In Prison
The project relies on the generosity of trusts and individuals.
There is no public subsidy.
Please donate by joining one of these:

Pimlico Opera
Since 1989 more than 60,000 members of the public have been taken into prison by Pimlico Opera and more than 1,000 prisoners have been involved. The company has given crucial first employment to prisoners on their release. Over 10,000 prisoners have seen a performance.

The need for regular purposeful activity in prisons is greater than ever.
The Prison Reform Trust’s latest Bromley Briefing details how little purposeful activity there is now in prisons, with almost nothing having changed since the lockdowns and extreme restrictions of the pandemic.
We know that rehabilitation is vital, but opportunities such as this are vanishingly rare.
Our three sources of funding (public donations, trust donations and ticket sales) have, since COVID, become precarious. That is why we need your support.
We will continue to work with HMP Bronzefield, one of only 13 UK Women’s prisons and the only purpose-built private prison for women in the UK. With so few prisons, a woman is usually a long way from her family and her children are often taken into care.
Bronzefield is the largest female prison in Europe, with a roll call of 572 in four house blocks with a mother & baby unit for 12 women and 13 babies up to the age of 18 months. The prison is operated by Sodexo Justice Services.
The Weekly Sessions
As well as the biennal large-scale project, throughout the year there are weekly classes, headed by Helen Sennett and Bethany Reeves – a choreographer and a pianist. Content includes singing, dance, and drama (including the prisoners’ own writing).
These weekly sessions will offer more longevity, consistency and structure to the project. Since confidence, energy, teamwork, and positive thinking all contribute to rehabilitation and social integration, the weekly classes, like the large productions, can facilitate significant improvements, both in the way prisoners view themselves, and are viewed by others.

A letter from a prisoner
BBC doc about Pimlico Opera
Guys, Dolls, & D wing (1993) was nominated for a BAFTA

Did you know?
27% of the prison population were in care. Of the under 25s, 50% were in care.
45% of adults are re-convicted within a year of release but 97% express a desire to stop offending.
Of the 85k people in prison today, around 4k are women. There are very few women’s prisons, so an offender is often a long way from her family and her children are often taken into care.
Prisoner testimonials
There is powerful evidence for the benefit that this work has to society, the public purse and the wider economy. Improvements in prisoner rehabilitation and the lowering of re-offending can only be a good thing.
“Taking part in Pimlico Opera has been life changing”.
“Since doing the project I have gained so much self worth and confidence”.
“The project has allowed me the opportunity to invest my excess energy into something both positive and productive”.

Made in Dagenham supporters
The project is funded entirely by generous individuals and charitable trusts. It is not funded by the government.
Michael Bishop Foundation
Capital Group
Linbury Trust
Ingram Trust
Mackintosh Foundation
Childwick Trust
Dischma Charitable Trust
De Laszlo Foundation
Andrew Sutton Trust
Brewster Maude Charitable Trust
EHB Trust
The Tansy Trust
Mageni Trust
Noel Buxton Trust
The Foxley Trust
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Boyes
Mark & Rosemary Carawan
Dr Roger Donbavand
Amanda Leathers
Ruth Markland
James & Sarah Sassoon
Hugh & Catherine Stevenson
The Tschanz family in memory of Stephen Gotsztony
John Derrick & Preben Oeye
Ray & Vida Godson
Ian & Clare Maurice
Mr George Meagher
Mr John C Pearson
Ali Smith
Fiona Squire
Sir Gerald & Lady Acher
Mr Jasper Barnes
Mrs Margaret Bolam
Bill Bougourd & Judith Thomas
Marie & Etienne Deshormes
Audrey & Stephen Hofmeyr
Mr & Mrs Joshua
William & Felicity Mather
Lady Parker
Ed & Sarah Peppiatt
The Percy family
Viv & Nigel Robson
Victoria & John Salkeld
John & Maxine Samuels
Carolyn Saunders & Richard Ford
Richard & Helen Sheldon
David & Margaret Walker
Christopher & Molly Beazley
Mr & Mrs Boothby
Riccardo Calzavara
Mr Austin Erwin
Alastair Gillies
Will & Janine Hillary
Sophie & Guy Holborn
Madi & David Laurence
Sarah & David Melville
Nina & Gary Moss
Sara Nathan & Malcolm Singer
Mr Cedric Pierce
Katherine & Dominic Powell
David Stanton
Maria & Julian Sturdy-Morton
John & Carol Wates
Peter & Tessa Watkins
Tom & Elaine Yeo
and two anonymous donors
Abu Khamis
Charles & Rhona Atterton
Stephanie Bamford &
Dr Mark Wilkinson
Yuki & Tom Beardmore-Gray
Lorraine Bell
Francis Carpenter
Sue Clark
Tom Clementi
Eleanor Cranmer & Nick Thomas
Ms Julie Devonshire
Philippa Drew
Mrs Claire Durtnall
Mr Campbell Edgar
Dr Julia Ellis
Leila Ettehadieh
Ismay Forsyth
Nigel & Bernie Foster
Alex Freeman
In memory of Glenys
Dr Rosalind Given-Wilson &
Prof Paul Collinson
Michael Gordon
Ms Angela Hakim
Alastair & Vanessa Hammerton
Richard Hanson-James
Mr Andrew Hine
Clare Hoskins
Marion Howells
Alister La Bella
Jenny & Mike Lavin
Charles & Sue Marshall
Alison & Chris Mason
Mrs Sarah Matthews
Eloy & Letitia Michotte
Martin & Marion Motz
Isabella Murray
Kathy Mylrea
Pamela & Bruce Noble
Ms C C Paddock
Judy Perry
Jan & Mike Potter
Sabine Preston
Mr & Mrs G Pye
Michael Ross & Jennifer Kelly
The Scoones Family
Mark & Louise Seligman
David & Jane Shalders
Mr Ashley V Silverton
Mr & Mrs Teague
Paul & Wendy Tobia
Miss Mave Turner
In memory of Johnny Veeder QC
Sue Waldman
Lady Walker
Justine Wall
Gabrielle de Wardener
Katie & Christian Wells
and five anonymous donors