Grange Park Opera

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The great vestibule flooring project

It began on Mon 24 Feb and it was dash against the clock.

Konrad’s mission (should he wish to accept it) was to lay 200 sq metres of engineered oak boards before the crew arrived to install the lighting rig.

Laser Flooring

First Konrad wielded his laser. Two weeks passed and he seemed to be going faster than the lightening speed suggested by builder Martin Smith. The audience would be stunned.

Konrad provided an update:

Boards are a bit wonky and a bit awkward to join but we will get around it.
My calculations came 4mm off on the entire surface of floor so super accurate (geometry at school 20 years ago helped!).
Now just the slightly misshaped boards can throw us off alignment but I will try to avoid that.


Massive excitement. Another week passed and it was all over: the 2020 season was a hollow.



However, Konrad continues . . . the roses are in bud . . .  the birds are singing . . . and since we’ve got the time, there will also be oak skirting boards.
