Tales from the Theatrical Woods: Chapter 26
25 May 2018
There’s a lush green sheen in the orchard
There’s a lush green sheen in the orchard
The parsley is as high as a startled doe’s eye,
An’ it looks like it’s climbin’ clear up to the sky.
Oh, what a beautiful evenin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ our way.
All Martin’s men are scurryin’ like termites
All Martin’s men are scurryin’ like termites
They don’t turn their heads as they see me pass by,
But little Scots Stewart is winkin’ his eye.
Oh, what a beautiful evenin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ our way.
All the rehearsin’ in the hall is like heaven
All the rehearsin’ in the hall is like heaven
The breeze is so busy it don’t miss a tree,
And a ol’ weepin’ willer is laughin’ at me!
Oh, what a beautiful evenin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ our way.
Oh, what a beautiful day!
With apologies to Oscar Hammerstein
David Lloyd Jones