Tales from the Theatrical Woods: Chapter 1
31 March 2016
There was a gentle piece in the FT today…
The planning application will be heard by Guildford Borough Council imminently and, we hope, determined by the end of April when the bats in the woods wake up. With a bit of luck, we’ll be digging a big hole in May. The clay soil has resulted in the need for concrete piling (lots of it) which is expensive and time-consuming. However, Martin Smith (of R J Smith who built the theatre at The Grange) has a plan and, with more luck, the theatre will have a roof in time for the 2017 festival.
The fundraising will begin in earnest once we have the permission. Today, with Gift Aid included, we are hovering around the half way mark of the £10m campaign. A huge thank you to contributors. The most stunning surprise was the lead gift of £1m. Momentum is gathering.
Bryn Terfel’s Circle of Virtuous Enterprise is more than 100 strong (of the 850 target). It’s the entry level for Appeal donors. The unpledged must consider joining Joanna Lumley’s 150 Pioneers. She would welcome you with open arms.
Onwards and upwards with great excitement – as rehearsals for Oliver!, Fanciulla and Don Carlo are about to start.
Wasfi Kani