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Spring: Vivaldi

Bartosz Glowacki, accordion

SAT 6 JUNE 2020

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Vivaldi probably wrote the four violin concerti, named the Four Seasons, in 1716-7. The manuscripts were sent to Vivaldi’s Bohemian patron, Count Wenzel von Morzin, whom he served from afar as maestro di musica in Italia.

In 1725, the concerti were sent to Amsterdam for publication by Estienne Roger’s family firm. He would advertise compositions in newspapers and offer a mail-order service across Europe.

It is unknown if the accompanying descriptive sonnets were written before or after the music. They appear as a preface to the solo violin part and in excerpts scattered about the orchestral parts.

Vivaldi wrote around 100 operas. At the time of the Four Seasons his operatic output included Arsilda Regina di Ponto, La costanza trionfante degl’amori e degl’odii, L’incoronazione di DarioTieteberga.


Springtime is upon us.
Birds celebrate her return with festive song,
and murmuring streams are
softly caressed by the breezes.
Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar,
casting their dark mantle over heaven,
Then they die away to silence,
and the birds take up their charming songs once more.

Later, on a flowering meadow,
with leafy branches rustling overhead,
the goat-herd sleeps beside his faithful dog.

Led by the festive sound of rustic bagpipes,
nymphs and shepherds gaily dance
beneath the brilliant canopy of spring.

“The coup de foudre was Bartosz Glowacki. By instinct, a solo accordion is not my top choice for a good night out. Life deals its shocks … the young Pole creates a poignant and distinctive sound world.”

Fiona Maddocks – The Observer

Bartosz was born in /////. He has studied  with Prof  Grzegorz Bednarczyk and Prof Andrzej Smolik. He graduated from Royal Academy of Music in 2016.

As a soloist his appearances include Wigmore Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Barbican, Royal Albert Hall, La Salle Cortot and played with London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London Sinfonietta, National Theatre and Covent Garden. He is a City Music Foundation Artist and was selected for the 2016 ‘Open Space’ residency at Snape Maltings.

Bartosz plays an accordion by Pigini.