Clementi & Clocks
Members only
16 JAN 2020 16:00
A special tour of the Muzio Clementi House given by owner Tom Stacey.
Wasfi writes: With my hand on my heart, I proclaim this house the most extraordinary that I have seen in London. It is made doubly extraordinary by 90 year-old Tom Stacey’s stories. He has lived there for decades; it is full of his treasures.”
The reason the house has a blue plaque is composer/pianist Muzio Clementi and a train of musical visitors: Bellini, Chopin, Mendelssohn. Darting forwards …. occupants and visitors were equally fascinating … including Brunel and Sigmund Freud.
After the tour, we are going to pop across the road for a glass of wine in the amazing Shop of Howard Walwyn Fine Antique Clocks.
Howard has lovely things … and will entertain us. The whole thing will be informative and enjoyable.